How Malta helped one of out Brands “Biscardo” to be part of the 1% top-ranked wineries in the world via Vivino ratings.
The average Vivino Ranking of Biscardo wines in Malta is 4,01 – One of the highest in Europe.
Malta constant growth with an increase of 125% of ratings given every month, which is noticeable that 70% of reviews are of red wine. Of course, the highest number of scans happen during the weekend between 7pm & 9pm.
Location, Location, Location!
It is remarkable to notice Vivino activity showing our Biscardo fan’s location.
This shows that consumers have never ranked in the region of 2.5 lower spreading from 3.0 to 5-star rating displaying a 67% 4/4.5 rating during July 2022!
Tell us what you think about Biscardo Wines? We encourage you to review our wines on Vivino as this is a huge help to the wine makers and their families.
“Wine is the answer. I just don’t remember the question.”
~ Anonymous
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